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Artist Statement


The body does not lie. Even in practice, when our hearts and minds may mislead; the body is always observably honest. Movement unveils us all to be multi-faceted individuals composed of the influences of the lives we’ve led. Above all else, I believe that the truth within our bodies is a guiding force. As a people, we must reconnect with the bodies that make us who we are.

Sometimes we must find peace within our bodies, though it is never readily offered. I have learned that it is the moments that feel like failure that will lead to our greatest successes. Using those moments of perceived failure, and allowing ourselves to submerge in them fully, provides for the expansion of what we know our body’s limits to be.

I believe that movement can set us free. I think that we must believe in ourselves, and commit fully to the belief that our paths will continue to grow as we walk upon them.

I believe that compassion and graciousness towards ourselves can only lead to peace and success.

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